Snack Chats

A website design for a food and mental health non-profit including copy and branding resulting in 100% task completion under 60 seconds for target user groups.

My role

UX Designer, Researcher, and Project Lead


Design, Research, and Client Leadership


Figma, Procreate, Google Suite, Asana


8 weeks
Screen design for the volunteer page of a non-profit providing food and mental health services.
Screen design for the find services page of a non-profit providing food and mental health services.


Setting clear goals

SnackChats aims to address issues plaguing unhoused populations in the D.C. metro area. These communities have limited access to food, supplies, and mental health services. SnackChats provides access to these services at centralized locations throughout the city by partnering with local food banks, universities, and clinics.
An illustration of three characters creating goals.

Visualizing the potential

The SnackChats team has angel investors ready to hear their pitch, but they wanted a conceptual website design to support their presentation. They approached our team with preliminary research and asked us to deepen their data, develop their company brand, and deliver a functional prototype to share with their potential investors.

The facts we were given

In 2023, approximately 8,944 people were reported homeless in D.C.
1 in 3 people in the D.C. metro area experience food and resource scarcity
30-50% of people experiencing homelessness have a mental health issue

Deepening our understanding

Our team set out to better understand the problem space based on the statistics we were given. Looking at the current market, SnackChats is filling a gap by providing both supplies and mental health services. However, we were able to reference websites for organizations offering solely food services and noticed consistent patterns.

Clear navigation

Prominent donation button

Guidance to receive services

Learning from potential users

With this market in mind, we conducted 10 interviews with two target populations: potential volunteers and current members of the unhoused community. When speaking with potential volunteers regarding their wants and needs from this organization, we noticed common themes emerge. These potential volunteers need:

Easy site discoverability and navigation

Detailed information on how to help

Assurance a positive impact will be made

When speaking with members of the unhoused community, concerns centered around resources and safety, event location, and reliability. Members of this community need:

A safe, comfortable, informed space

Events located within walking distance

Reliable and consistent times and locations


Envisioning the audience

Based on the two user groups interviewed, we created personas to ensure these groups are kept at the center of our design decisions. This also pushed us to consider the unique circumstances that unhoused communities face, including technology limitations and stigmas surrounding mental health and food scarcity. This realization began to shift our design focus, as we recognized that the primary audience with access to this website would be volunteers, rather than unhoused populations.
User persona for a member of the unhoused community.User persona for a potential volunteer, a psychology student.

Organizing the experience

During interviews, users stressed the importance of a quick, easy way to learn about the mission of SnackChats, asking for guidance on how to support this mission. When drafting our site map, we presented two options to our clients. Throughout our weekly meetings, the clients stressed the important role advocacy plays in destigmatizing the challenges faced by unhoused populations. By providing site visitors with a separate navigational section focused on this, we ensured the message of SnackChats could be spread and for this reason and our clients approved of this version of our site map.
The approved version of our proposed site map.

Finding our flows

With our site structure outlined, we then drafted our ideal user flows to help identify key features, interactions, and pathways. These flows focused on the tasks of increasing community engagement through donations and volunteering.
User flow.User flow 2.


Bringing ideas to life

When drafting our designs, we considered how to best organize site information based on our target user groups. The clients agreed that the mission of SnackChats should to be front and center, with other important tasks like donation and volunteering further highlighted on the landing page. From there, we drafted preliminary site architecture based on high-priority tasks and the needs of our user groups.
A low fidelity wireframe for the home screen of a non-profit providing food and mental health resources to houseless communities. The low-fidelity donation wireframe.

Creating a lasting brand

When considering the content of the site, we wanted to allow room for SnackChats to grow and flourish. By providing our clients with logo variations, site font, and a consistent color palette, they are able to ensure any future deliverables fit their brand.
A mini style guide with branding, font, color, and logo options.

Content with the content

When designing the content to fill this website, we wanted to ensure that the client's mission, resources, and desired voice were accurately shared. Communicating and editing content as it was being created and written was essential to our success and the comfort of our unique audiences. As a project lead, I ensured we communicated with our clients open and often.


Collecting community feedback

We tested our initial prototype with 11 members of our primary target audience, addressing the two primary tasks of signing up as a volunteer and signing up for monthly donations. In addition, we also conducted testing on 5 members of the houseless community to ensure that they could use SnackChats to locate services near them.  Both usability tests resulted in 100% task completion under 60 seconds for our target user groups. We also found room for improvement on the home, volunteer, and find services pages.

10 Users
wished for more information about involvement opportunities on the homepage

8 users
wanted to know more details centered around what to expect from the scheduled events

7 users
requested information on how to volunteer for events with a group of people versus individually

Side-by-side home screen design improvements for a non-profit providing food and mental health resources to houseless communities.
Side-by-side event information screen design improvements.
Side-by-side volunteer screen design improvements.

Transparency is key

Throughout our tests, users sought out relevant information and shared how important these details were to their trust in SnackChats as an organization. Both audiences stated that the more event information given upfront, the safer they would feel volunteering or receiving services. In our revised design, we ensured that information was shared in an organized and transparent manner.

Mission accomplished

With a 100% task completion rate under 60 seconds and site branding that received a 90% positive response rate in target audiences, this project came to a close. We organized our branding and site assets, obtained final client approval, and were ready to hand off all materials to our client. We successfully delivered clear style guidelines and a fully functional prototype for our client's presentation to a panel of 3 angel investors.
Home screen design for a non-profit providing food and mental health resources to houseless communities.


Time to reflect

This client project taught me the importance of considering the unique, lived experiences of our target audiences. There were constraints and considerations for this special population that impacted our design process and we relied heavily on interviews with this population to gather knowledge and insight. Designing within these constraints was simultaneously challenging and rewarding.
An illustration of a character on stairs with a pencil drawing her path upward.

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